This Is What A Vegan Looks Like: Charis c/o Floral Frosting

I am so thrilled to kick off 2018’s This Is What A Vegan Looks Like interviews with the utterly wonderful, inspiring and talented Charis from Floral Frosting. Charis is a mum of 2 boys living in Kent. She loves vegan food, craft, home decor and homemaking. She has her incredible Instagram here and her beautiful blog here.

Every time I look at her Instagram I am uplifted and excited by the food she creates for her family. When I first went veg, I genuinely never knew vegan food could be so inventive and delicious-looking and her meal-plan ideas rock my world. With no further ado over to the superb Charis:

1/ What made you go vegan?
Even as a child I wasn’t a big fan of meat, and avoided it if I could. As a teenager I dabbled with veganism but found it hard while living at home. When I was at Uni my (then) boyfriend and I went for a bike ride and saw some gorgeous highland cows and we decided to give up meat for a month – we forgot when the month was over! A couple of months later I watched earthlings and we gave up all animal products! Fast forward 6 years and we’re still going strong and have two cheeky vegan kids!

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2/ If you could only watch 3 TV programmes for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Oh gosh, I watch a LOT of TV! This is hard! Alright, I’d choose Gavin & Stacey (it’s never not funny no matter how many times you watch it!), The Office U.S. and Gilmore Girls

3/ What’s your favorite place in the entire world?
Home! I’m a real homebody, don’t get me wrong – I love going out and exploring new places, but a lot of the time I’d rather be in my cosy, colourful house!

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4/ What are the vegan options like where you live?
I live in Ashford, and although there aren’t many vegan restaurants here there are chain places like Wagamama & Pizza Express. But my all time favourite place to eat out at is The Monument Pub in Canterbury. It’s all vegan and their burgers are ridiculously delicious. They also do deep fried Oreos as a dessert so…yeah. And for delicious coffees & hot chocolates (with vegan mallows!) and a variety of cakes & treats Stag Coffee in Ashford town is amazing!

5/ What is your idea of happiness?
A tidy house, a nice meal, a good film on the telly and a snuggle with my husband.

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6/ Which three other vegans would you most like to be stuck in a lift with?
Hah! Umm of the top of my head I’m going to go with Hannah of Hannah Banana Bakery, Harriet Rose Heath (amazing tattoo artist and mega babe – Lone Rose Tattoo) & Rainn Wilson (Dwight from The Office – I heard he went vegan recently!)

7/ Do you have a favorite motto, if so, what is it?
‘No wrong way to have a body’.

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8/ What are your all-time fave vegan things to eat?
Alpro Vanilla Ice Cream, Morrison’s Salted Caramel Donuts, Bassett’s Mint Creams, Asda’s Popcorn ‘Chicken’, Tesco’s Dark Chocolate Digestives…when I’m cooking I love Fajita Bowls, Peanut Pasta with Crispy Tofu and Fresh Homemade Bread!

9/ What song do you most like to dance to at a party?
I can’t remember the last time I danced at a party…it might have actually been my wedding almost 5 years ago! We did ‘The Twist’ as our first dance which was a laugh!

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10/ Who in the world would you most like to see go vegan?
Anyone and everyone who is able to! (Sorry if that’s cheating!)

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Thank you so much Charis for these wise and witty answers. If you are ever stuck in a lift with Dwight Schrute I hope he has beets! If anyone reading this wants to share their vegan story and answer the ludicrously difficult TIWAVLL questions then please do drop me a line! Have a delicious, happy and peaceful 2018 one and all!

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