
I’m Hannah. Hi! I’m from Birmingham and live in South East London. I live with my husband Josh and my two one-eyed rescue-cats Betty and Chester. They’re kind of a big deal.




I love holidays – especially USA roadtrips; I’m trying to visit all 50 states (you can read about this quest here) – and going to Nordic places in the winter. I am a big fan of Dolly Parton, Hank Williams and Johnny Cash. Jurassic Park is one of the best movies ever made. I enjoy British pubs and Tiki Bars. I wish I had a garden. Watching Netflix in my house-leggings is very much my kink.


Beer and Nachos – it doesn’t get much better than this!


After over 30 years of shoving almost anything into my gob without a second thought at the start of 2016 I stopped eating meat. A few months later I became a vegan. It has been one of the very best things I’ve ever done and I want to tell you guys all about it.


It me.


This blog is packed with recipes for gorgeous meals, reviews of veggie places I’ve been and snacks I endorse and clothes or beauty things that feel or look lovely. I have a Q&A series called ‘This Is What A Vegan Looks Like’ where I profile vegans from around the UK and the world about what inspires them and what they like to eat. There is a category of posts under ‘How To Go Vegan’ specifically designed for people who aren’t vegan but are thinking about it. There are also travel-guides to eating vegan overseas. With this blog I want to show you that modern living can be all good and all vegan.


I tweet and instagram as stop_hannahtime in case you need to see more of my food/cat pics or read more of my inane chat. I also have a vegan-only Instagram account AllGoodAllVegan dedicated to vegan goodies.

Any comments or questions are SO SO welcome. Hannah x